Legacy of Stephen Ward

In 1797, at age 68, Stephen Ward died a wealthy and respected man.
He was elected to the position of Eastchester Town Supervisor six more times, including four consecutive terms.
He was elected as a state senator, a state judge, and in 1797 to the United States House of Representatives.
On his gravestone at Saint Paul’s Church, Ward is memorialized on a marble stone, with the following inscription:
Sons of America
Mourn for your country, she has lost a friend
Who did her rights and liberties defend.
May rising patriots keep those rights secure,
And hand them down to latest ages pure.
Mourn too, ye friends and relatives who knew
His worth , his kindness, and his love to you.
But duty bids us all resign, and say,
Thy will be done who gave and took away.[i]
[i] David Osborn Stephen Ward: A Local Revolutionary Leader Who Guided the Town’s Transition from Colonial Times to the Early Republic www.nps/sapa